Susan Driever, Certified Veterinary Practice Manager
Susan's career in veterinary medicine began as an entry level accounting clerk in the Pathobiology department of Texas A&M’s College of Veterinary Medicine, where she worked for a year after getting her undergraduate degree in Recreation, Park and Tourism Science in 1997. Looking for more challenging opportunities while waiting for Dr. Driever to graduate from vet school, she took a position as a software trainer for the university, teaching professors and administrators computer basics and software training classes. In 2000 after graduation and a wedding, she and Dr. Driever moved to the Houston area where Susan became the regional training manager for CompUSA, providing software training classes for the general public and private training classes for corporations. A few years later she was promoted to the position of stay at home mom, where she happily volunteered on many boards at the elementary level and volunteered in the schools in her spare time.
In 2015, Dr. Driever purchased the hospital and Susan was called into service first as a bookkeeper, but over time transitioned into the hospital's first ever practice manager. In January 2021, Susan earned her Certified Veterinary Practice Manager credentials, and is always looking for ways to learn and support the team.
Professional and Volunteer Roles
Course Facilitator, VHMA Test Preparation Study Program for the CVPM exam 2021-Present Houston Veterinary Practice Managers Association, Secretary 2020-2023 Houston Veterinary Practice Managers Alliance, Treasurer 2023-Present Elkins High School Band Boosters, Secretary 2018-2023 Lake Olympia Swim Team, Statistician, Secretary, Treasurer 2013-2022 Boy Scouts of America, Pack 828 Advancement Chair, Committee Chair 2012-2017 Boy Scouts of America, Troop 103 Committee and District Committee Member 2018-Present